Does the job.
Does the job.
Haven't found anything that does everything. It works when I need it to.
Waste of money! Even with updates this app is crap!
Don't buy this junk; it doesn't work
Works for me. I have a hp 5850 wifi printer. It found it and prints to it. To get around the inability to get to the camera roll use one of the free PDF programs to create a photo pdf and email to yourself and open attachment with this program and print it. I can't get the ppoint module to work for some reason.It dumps me back to the program icons.
It would be nice to be able to cancel a fax and edit it if you made an error. I ended up having to uninstall the app so that it would stop trying to send the fax
I just bought this, hoping to be able to fax pictures I have on my Camera Roll. It looks like the only way to get files into the app so they can be faxed is either a direct download via Web or using a computer (which I don't have handy). No App Help addresses this issue. If I'm wrong, let me know. Does the app writer monitor these comments?
This app did not find my brother printer and also has no way to print from the camera roll. You must download files to the app from your Mac. Kind of useless.
The functions are very straightforward, but all my print jobs went to neverland, even though my WiFi printer was detected.
It does connect directly to WIFI printers easily which is terrific and best implementation I've seen in an app. However, it doesn't allow creating or copying a document that contains text with pictures. So that email with pictures of the new baby comes over as just the text. This is big shortcoming for me. I expected I could copy most any docuement already in my iPhone and paste it into their app as a document, but no such luck. Until this gets fixed my rating stays at two for the innovative print capability. I don't recommend this app at this time.
They don't tell you that you have to purchase fax credits to send faxes. About $0.25 per page. Also it is not clear from the description that you can only view documents such as Excel files. I was looking for something that would let me enter info. Waste of $. Not worth the $3.99.